
Securing your Infra is easy with cyber safe.

Reblaze is a complete web security solution. The Cloud Native Web Application & API Protection (WAAP) platform deploys in minutes, and can be tested as an additional layer of security on top of your existing solutions.

Multilayer DDoS Protection

Reblaze provides full-scope DoS and DDoS protection, defeating attacks across layers 3, 4, and 7: network, transport, and application. (Even many dedicated DDoS solutions do not fully protect layer 7.)


Bot Management

Reblaze includes full bot mitigation in its comprehensive web security platform. Hostile traffic is blocked in the cloud, before it reaches the protected network.

Processing latency is minimal: ~0.5 ms.

Web applications and API servers receive only legitimate requests. They remain secure, responsive, and performant.


Account Takeover (ATO) Prevention

The Reblaze platform includes ATO protection as a core part of its comprehensive web security software suite. It blocks unauthorized attempts to use or discover credentials, access user accounts, compromise active sessions, and other forms of ATO. Reblaze uses multivariate analysis, identifying threat traffic not only by its source but also by its identity, behavior, and intent. The platform deploys in a dedicated VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) geolocated immediately in front of the protected network, blocking malicious traffic with near-zero latency.


API Security

Reblaze provides complete protection for microservice/API endpoints.

• A client-side SDK ensures mobile/native application traffic is TLS encrypted and continuously authenticated. All communications include an HMAC signature (a cryptographic identity mechanism on the client side) to harden communications between the application and the endpoint, ensuring that only requests from legitimate users are accepted

• Reverse-engineering prevention stops API attacks in their earliest stages

• Dynamic and adaptive traffic recognition allows Reblaze to reshape its security posture in response to changes in traffic structure. As an API evolves, Reblaze creates new rulesets automatically, and administrators can accept, reject, or modify them as needed

• Cloud-native platform includes a full API for programmatic control of Reblaze itself, enabling IaC and other forms of automation


Global CDN

Today’s Internet users are more impatient than ever. Researchers have found that an extra load-time delay of 250 milliseconds—just a quarter of a second—is often enough to convince a visitor to use your competitor’s web site instead of yours.

Reblaze, while making your web assets “secure by default,” also integrates seamlessly with CDNs such as Amazon’s CloudFront (among many others). This allows you to offload all static content service to the cloud. Your data center has a reduced load, and can serve more users faster.

The fastest content delivery possible.

The best site performance possible.

The most uptime possible.

The most robust site possible.


Traffic Management

Other security solutions typically report only on the traffic that they block. So how can you be sure that your traffic is being filtered correctly?

Reblaze makes all your traffic fully visible. You can see what is granted access to your network, and what gets excluded. This allows you to fine-tune the filtering until it’s exactly right.

Reblaze allows you to know exactly what’s going on in your site.
